Air ducts should be professionally cleaned out at least once a year. The damp and dark areas that connect to heating and cooling units in your home are prime spots for the growth of mold, fungi, and other allergens and air pollutants. Still not sold on the importance of cleaning your air ducts fairly regularly?… Read more »
There are hundreds of reasons for people to worry about their air quality or their air ducts in a home or work environment, but all of that can be eased with just asking yourself a few questions before you decide you have to worry about your air quality. Are you moving into a new… Read more »
Over the years, technology has grown significantly for various markets and jobs. One of those that hasn’t really been taken to yet, is the use of video technology through air ducts. By extending a special type of video camera that is essentially a camera on a stick throughout your air ducts we are able to… Read more »
If there were any place that can make you realize just how important air conditioning is, it would be the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel. The chapel that receives over six million tourists a year happens to have a problem with all the visitors that pass through the halls of it and the Vatican museum…. Read more »
It may not seem like much to us today, but Air Conditioning is one of those modern inventions that changed America early on. Back before World War II there was the creation of the original air conditioning system, although then it was used specifically to keep the printing press rooms cool so that the ink… Read more »
Winter is coming. And as the cold sets in and the heat comes on, it’s time to make sure your air ducts are up to scruff at home and in the office. Regular cleanings of your air duct systems are important for energy-efficiency and financially lucrative reasons, but there are other maintenance steps that should… Read more »
We work as hard as we can to make sure we live up to our business name here at Superior Air Duct Cleaning. We love talking about the technical expertise of our staff and how quickly they can finish maintenance work or a thorough cleaning of your ventilation system. However, we also offer a couple… Read more »
Since the research is still out on whether air duct cleaning truly does assist things like allergies and asthma, as well as just better breathing, we continue to see some companies and the environmental protection agency still not fully committing to saying that cleaning air ducts is worth it. We do however have some information… Read more »
If you have ever had allergies or any kind of lung problems you are probably one of many people who are concerned about their air quality and just breathing well in general. In fact most air duct cleaning companies advertise that cleaning your ducts will lead to you breathing better, and many people agree to… Read more »
A recent North Carolina air duct repair and installation company has been causing trouble in a few cities, including Saint Louis and Charlotte. The company, which has stated they have a business license in North Carolina but no record can be found of such, seems to think they can get away with taking advantage of… Read more »