Superior air duct cleaning offers the sales and installation of central flow through humidifiers.
Superior Air Duct Cleaning offers the sales and installation of Central flow through humidifiers. These humidifiers are highly efficient and are installed with a separate humidistat to allow for easy trouble free operations. They are wired directly to your furnace in order to achieve the highest possible efficiency.
All humidifier units come with a five-year warranty and all installations are performed by qualified technicians.
Throughout the fall and winter months, the air becomes progressively dryer creating unpleasant living conditions.
Doctors often mention that dry air can lead to nose, throat and other physical irritations.
Moist air is not only beneficial to people but also to furniture. Dry air will pull moisture from wood surfaces such as pianos or expensive hardwood flooring causing it to split at the joints. Moist air also feels warmer than dry air so setting your thermostat down a few degrees will allow you to save money in heating costs.
Flow-through humidifiers need to have their humidifier pads replaced annually, and in some instances every two years.
Superior A.D.C. carries a full line of manufacturers replacement pads ranging in different shapes and sizes to fit any unit.
Call us today at 1-877-891-3828 to find your replacement humidifier pad!