The Importance of Cleaning Your Kitchen During the Winter

Kitchen exhaust fan cleaning

As the winter season approaches, we tend to spend more of our time indoors during the colder months. With that being said, our homes and businesses can get a little more clustered, which requires more cleaning and sanitization. Our kitchens are important places that need to be cleaned in order for your home or business… Read more »

How Often Should a Homeowner Think About Cleaning the Air Ducts?

Professional Air Duct Cleaner

Good air quality is one of the most important factors for maintaining a healthy home. Much of the pollutants and contagions that can affect our health are airborne, and dusty air ducts can keep blowing the same dust around your home for years. Heavy furnace use during the winter months can also contribute to sickness… Read more »

The Best Houseplants for Indoor Air Quality

English Ivy for Indoor Air Quality

Going green in your home can improve the air quality significantly, as well as make your home feel fresh and healthy. You’ll enjoy breathing in the fresh air by opening the windows and letting the plants blow in the breeze. Here are the best indoor houseplants that can improve the air quality in your home:… Read more »

Here’s How to Avoid Poor Indoor Air Quality When Cooking

Exhaust cover over stovetop

If you’re an avid cook, you probably know that the aftermath of big meals prepared in the kitchen can cause a mess, but what you may not know is that certain types of cooking can cause bad indoor air quality in your home. Ventilation Is a Must You must have a range hood in order… Read more »

Feeling Stuffy? Open the Windows for Spring!

woman opening windows to improve indoor air quality

After a long winter, especially up in the North, your home can get stuffy and uncomfortable with breathing. It’s time to open those windows and let the fresh, spring air roll through and breathe new life into your home and its indoor air quality! The Benefits of Opening Windows Opening some windows and turning on… Read more »

The Benefits of Having a Humidifier for Your Home

aroma humidifier

Humidifiers ultimately add the right amount of moisture to the air of your home and give you benefits. During the winter months, and even into the early spring, your air can become dry, which can cause many issues with your indoor air quality and your health. By installing a humidifier, you’ll be combating some of… Read more »

Importance of Furnace Cleaning

man cleaning furnace for the winter

Your furnace can gather dust, dirt, and other debris over time within the blower and electrical compartments. Of course, it’s already the new year, but if you haven’t gotten your furnace cleaned, it’s time to do it before the long winter ahead. Why You Should Get It Cleaned The build-up of debris in the furnace’s… Read more »